Thank you for your interest in my classes. I offer Asana, Pranayama and Meditation classes. Below you will find a brief summery of what to expect from my classes. All Classes will be 60 minutes unless requested otherwise. This will include an opening mantra, warm up, asanas, pranayama and relaxation. Alignment will be carried out throughout each class. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me via my contact page for any further questions.
Finding alignment in your Asana directly relates to finding alignment in your life. I do not teach you how to get to the final position directly, what I will teach you is the correct alignment of the posture. If you posture is unsteady, it can potentially injure you, just as if you do not find your correct alignment in life you too will be unsteady and become a victim of your emotions. This is how Asanas relate so directly to our every day life.
Each class will focus on a different body part/muscle group for building strength, flexibility and alignment. I will emphasis the breath around each posture/movement. The structure will look as following, and can be moved around according to your need and/or desire. Please see some examples of classes below.
Class 1: Twists- creating flexibility in the spine.
Class 2: Arm Strengthening- preparation for handstand/arm balancing postures.
Class 3: Back Bending
Class 4: Hips- Open and Closed Pelvis
Class 5. Core Strengthening
Class 6. Shoulder Opening
Class 7. Restorative
Class 8. Forward Folds
Class 9. Inversions
Class 10. Leg Strengthening
These classes will repeat but with different drills and asanas.
“Yoga is lifeless without Pranayama”, as said by B.K.S. Iyengar, it is the bridge between the body and the self. In simple terms, it it the vehicle that will take you to stillness of the mind and concentration. Pranayama is breath work, where we use the breath as a tool to get into the body and out of the mind. This topic is extremely vast and deserves attention. We will practice Asanas to bring elasticity to the fibres of your lungs to allow for optimal practice of pranayama. Together I will guide you in the pranayama best suited for you to eliminate anxiety, give you insights, purify your body and eventually bring you to the point of meditation.
We will practice:
Nadi Shodhana
Anuloma Viloma
Yogic breath
Let me be frank and start by telling you that Meditation cannot be taught, it is something that happens. Students often ask me to teach them how to meditate. No one can do this, but what I can do is guide you to that place where meditation happens. Through Asanas, Pranayama, Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation), and guided meditations, we will find that space and moment known as meditation.
For detailed information please reach out to me under “Contact”.