Improve your practice

For anyone looking to improve their self practice and sadhana here are a few tips I've accumulated after lots of practice:

Fans/ Air Co

I've had a lot of students ask me to turn on the fans during class. Anyone who has practised with me will know that I have no rules in the shala except this- we don't use fans for the simple reason that what we are doing is working on warming up your body to help open up your muscles, ligaments, tissues and joints etc. The reason we have Hot Yoga in the west in exactly for this-to help open up your body.

Simply put, you will go deeper in your posture. Yes, you will sweat. Detoxifying your body and more importantly pointing to the fact that you are utilising your breathe correctly. Bring a small towel to help wipe sweat off for arm balancing postures etc.


A controversial one in the west.

Music is distraction. Wether you like the music, don't, know the song, etc it doesn't matter, it is taking your mind elsewhere. Asana practice is dynamic meditation. To connect with yourself. It is not to excersise. Some shanti music for shavansana or meditation can be helpful to keep you concentrated.


I don't recommend it during practice. Why? Again, we are igniting a fire in your body with the dynamic practice, when you drink water you are basically pouring water onto your fire/pitta. My personal experience is that water can get stuck in the chest and want to come back up, specially during inversions.